Best Practices

The Tech Stack for a World-Class Data Team

Finding the best-in-class tools for the world

Andrew Young
11 min readSep 1, 2022


A truly world-class data team will always want experience with the best tools for their craft — they will be hungry to keep their skills and knowledge current. Teams that don’t are complacent and stagnant. I’ve taken on various consulting and leadership roles at top VC-funded start-ups and more thrifty, lean non-profits. As a part of those experiences, I’ve not only had to build world-class data teams from scratch, but also make impactful decisions on those organization’s tech stacks with a variety of budgets. Luckily, digging into new tools and comparing their capabilities to older tools resonate with my innate desire for optimization and fit the bill of what a data leader should be: cognizant of the latest advances in data science & analytics.

Here are my software recommendations for organizations embarking on their journey to building a world-class data team or for data teams looking to stay current on the best tools available today.

Just the List

Analytics / Coding

  • Google Colab
  • Google Cloud Platform (GCP)
  • Deepnote
  • Docker
  • GitHub / GitLab
  • Mode Analytics


  • coda

